Top 7 SEO Trends You Must Focus on in 2018

Google’s search algorithm is changing constantly, creating it a moving plan. Google’s Gary Illyes said that minimum two to three updates of search algorithm every day. So, it is important to know all the updates which are related to SEO. Today, there are mostly 100 billion Google searches achieved each month. It relates to over that 1.2 trillion searches yearly. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the major marketing vehicles available.Here you know the top 7 major trends to achieve greater SEO results in 2018.

Top 7 SEO Trends You Must Focus on in 2018, SEO Trends

 If you are an entrepreneur, you must to stay updated with the latest SEO trends. As an SEO professional or running an Hosting Company. Using an old SEO techniques can extremely affect the name of your website in the search engine ranking page of Google and other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. Today, there are many technologies are in the internet world. If you are using the old techniques that are not getting the expected traffic. So, it is important to stay updated with the latest trends.

Voice Search

Voice search is the important one in the way of searching all the information. Today, most of the mobile users use voice search commands. Now there are 20% of mobile queries are reported through voice search. It will increase in the next year. Some users don’t like to type and lazy, so they are likely to go with the voice search. The voice search helps that, you don’t need to type anything, just use your voice to search anything in the mobile. The principal engineer, Mr. Behshad Behzadi at Google says, that the voice search is increasing faster than type search.

CTR & Engagement

Google RankBrain established in 2015, it has increased the reliability of Google’s search results. The Mr. Greg Corrado shaped that RankBrain is the third important signal presenting to the search result. The Rankbrains increasing effect is that involvement in metrics are going to be a huge factor in search rankings.  It means that SEO is the backbone of this method. There are more than 600,000 search query points to bounce rate, pages per session, spending time on the site, these are the four important elements for organic search rankings. It is analyzed by the SEMrush’s 2017 ranking factors study 2.0. In the past, your SEO works may have been focused on topics and keywords. It is only increasing your SERP, CTR and your overall customer experience, which comes through your organic listings.

Structured Data

Structure data is the additional information that you see next to a website and meta description. For example, if you are searching for a Mobile shop, you will see not only the shop name, it shows the hours, your reviews, pricing to specify positive reviews. If you are not part of structured data with your SEO strategy, you are missing out an essential opportunity to rank higher in SERP. So, you can add structured data to your pages helps that user to know what your site is about. One more useful strategies which are also useful for your web pages like It also helps to rank your website easily. So, structured data and schema both are important and will help your rankings.


HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of HTTP. The HTTPS protects your online confidential transactions like online shopping, online banking, etc., In 2017, Moz’s Dr. Pete said that 50% of search results are HTTPS one organic results. So, HTTPS is important for your website and it has also improved your SEO performance. The SEMRush’s company mentions that 65% of website ranking comes with an high volume keywords were using HTTPS. If your website having HTTP, now it is the time to change your website into HTTPS.

Why Mobile friendly websites are important for SEO 

Today, most of the people use a smartphone and a tablet for their internet users, so does the importance of mobile-friendly websites. It is important for having a mobile-friendly website with SEO. Since 70% of users claim that they are more likely to purchase from a mobile-friendly website. The SEO companies are also said that they are changing their website into mobile friendly and responsive web design.

Importance of Mobile

According to Google, 50% of its searches, receive from mobile devices. So, websites which are responsive are more essential to SEO than ever. Google also provides some tools to help webmasters to check their website into mobile-friendly. The most popular tool that allows you to test your website is Google’s Mobile Friendly Test Page. The responsive website helps the user to access many devices and screen sizes. For Example, if someone searches for “Paper Manufacturing Companies”, they find their results of what they are looking for in their mobile. If the same person can search their keyword in their desktop, the result may be varied and they get frustrated.

So, having a separate mobile site and desktop needs separate SEO campaigns. So, handling one website and one campaign is far easier than organizing two SEO campaigns and two sites. Optimizing your keywords into mobile responsive which are more likely to be searched when someone is on their mobile phones.

Page Speed 

If a website is loading too slowly are major irritations for users and it also impediment to your site rankings in Google’s results. A website can load too slowly for various reasons differing from bad optimization to poor quality web hosting. The important thing is your website is to load slowly, you have to lose your potential customers.

Why page speed matters to users

For better search engine ranking, page speed is important for your user experience. The website that load faster makes a better user experience. It creates more leads to increased conversions. If your website has some advertising with faster load means, the users can simply navigate to various pages. It also makes the user to view some other pages.

Why Content is important for SEO  

Today, there is no one has time to read boring content, length and non-meaningful content. Others focus on web pages that have short and interesting articles. So, you can create more useful contents for users. The leading SEO companies analysts in Coimbatore also said that content is still important for your SEO rankings.

Differences between SEO and content marketing

Content marketing and SEO are well-known from one another in various critical areas. There are some differences between them and you still can’t differentiate the two totals. The two differences between the SEO and content marketing is:
·         ✔SEO is more technical and broader
·         ✔Content marketing is narrower and more holistic.

Now, writing for search engine friendly content, here are a few things you need to follow:

·         Do keyword research: First, you have to choose a complete list of the right keywords and key phrases you are going to use. These must be the search terms your target customers and clients are most likely to use when trying to find you or your service or your business or your product.

·        ✔ Start writing high-quality content: Write quality content for your prospective clients and customers, not for your SEO purposes. The content should be useful for clients.

·         ✔Incorporate your keywords: First, you have to keep in your mind that, your content is going to convert well. Please don’t overuse your keywords in your contents. So, if you don’t use keywords in your content use LSI keywords.

·         ✔Promote your content: Promote your content is making sure that your target audience is to find your content in various social networking channels and social media. It is an important element in SEO.


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